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Lauren Nelson
Lauren Nelson
I am so excited to be running the NYC Marathon and fundraising for a worthy charity at the same time! Combining these two things that I am passionate about is a life-changing experience.
The charity I am running for is Keep A Child Alive. It was co-founded by Alicia Keys in 2003. Keep A Child Alive (KCA) is a non-profit organization that reaches out globally to serve communities with healthcare and education. Ensuring everyone has access to what they need to live and thrive is essential. KCA not only provides resources, but also gives tools to support long-term development. If you know me, you know how strongly I believe in education and the opportunity for ALL to have the tools for it. I am so happy to have found KCA - I am inspired by the important lifesaving work they do, and I’m honored to be part of their team.
If you could support me in any way, whether with a donation and/or simply spreading the word, I would greatly appreciate it. Your support means so much and makes a vital difference. All donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly to KCA. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH, I couldn't do this without you!!

Donate to make a difference
Keep A Child Alive
OUR MISSION: Changing the world, one child at a time. Co-founded in 2003 by Alicia Keys, KCA fights for children. We want every child to have the opportunity to be all they can, no matter where they start in life. We stand with them, as they overcome and thrive.
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